Monthly Archives: Giugno 2018
Written on 30 Giugno, 2018 at 12:00, by Tommaso
Light design for a project of great prestige, using just incandescence bulbs 💡🙄. Made by Alessandro Baricco. Music by Nicola Tescari. Scenography by Eleonora De Leo. Production design Marco Quartana. Producer Arianna Bertolo. Sales Elastica. TheCatcher’s Man Alessandro Mari. Native Scuola Holden. Partnered by Feltrinelli Editore.
Damascus Gate

Written on 27 Giugno, 2018 at 12:00, by Tommaso
3d texturing, lighitng e final coloring for graphic art called “piccole grandi lanterne”. The still image was projected with two Pani on Damascus Gate for the 10th Annual Light Festival in Jerusalem, from June 27th to July 5th 2018. Concept by Marcello Arosio.

Written on 3 Giugno, 2018 at 21:30, by Tommaso
Video content and set design of the theatrical show “Leonardo” by Vittorio Sgarbi. I lovely losed my mind working on Leonardo’s drawings! Music composed and live executed by my dear friend Valentino Corvino. We both also coordinated the direction of the show, with our “Double Sense” project.